Sleepy Tokyo – Dark Circles

April 20th, 2012 by justin

Jurstday Thursday on !!! I’ve been busy, so I haven’t done a new Jurstday post in awhile.  I wrote this album between 2010 and 2011.  I finished the music around the middle of 2011 with the intent to release it under Justin DiCenzo, but soon decided that the group name should be SLEEPY TOKYO because as you can see in the image, everyone is SLEEPY all the time in this city.  The theme is yes, a little cynical, but aren’t we all in the big cities???

Skip the PayPal thing if you don’t wanna pay, there’s a free link to download it!


Sleepy Tokyo’s first release “Dark Circles” is finished and free for download!

“Dark Circles” is a musical journey through the long evening and tough morning of the average Tokyo business man.


choose your price!


Download the music free!


The album opens with dark circles

which form under your eyes as your superiors aimlessly extend each work hour into the night, then eventually drag you and the other younger employees out to drink until you can barely stand up.


You get yourself into your own taxi and sit back to witness the 2am taxi ride windows

reflect neon lights in the windows as you dart through the taxi lined streets.


The taxi is extremely comfortable and very easy to fall asleep in with a heavy head fallen

to the side or back against the plush seat.


Once the taxi goes as far into the side streets as possible, you’re on your own left to perform the slow plover stumble

or in Japanese 千鳥足 (chidori ashi) to reach your apartment door.


The elevator ride to your floor seems impossibly long as time slows

You make it in the door and almost automatically begin your night routine. Like a computer, your subroutines take over

and you find yourself passed out on and hopefully in your futon.

Without effort, you quickly fall asleep and proceed to enjoy a short dreamless sleep

Around 430am, the sky changes to a light navy color and with each passing minute dawn creeps

and causes you to toss and turn as you fear the 7am alarm. The rising sun beams in and the solar warmth

lets you know that another day has begun. You rise and prepare to return to the race.

The race to make more money, have more financial stability, have more things, meet your future spouse, raise kids and take an occasional 3-5 day holiday to another country.