Everyone else is doin it! Why not get Paper Fleet in on the action. Here is a track from out first 7 inch record “Trapped Inside”. It’s mostly sold out except a couple copies in my personal stash. This is the first track and it’s called Be your Man. Josh sings this gem.
New Paper Fleet 7 inch is here!
The New Paper Fleet 7 inch EP ” Baby, We Love Each Other” is available now at the OTTOSHOP. More info on the Paper Fleet page.
Here’s a youtube video of side A:
Posted in Paper Fleet
New Ottoshop store!
I’ve revamped the Ottoshop store. You can buy Ottomen CDs, Paper Fleet CDs, full downloads, comic books and more. Stock up on all the albums you’ve missed. There are so many! Check it out.
While you’re there buy a copy of the brand new Paper Fleet 7 inch “Baby We Love Each Other”. All proceeds go to the next album! Possibly an Ottomen/Paper Fleet Split 7 Inch!
Posted in Paper Fleet, The Ottomen
Paper Fleet summer Tour, with Ottomen June 7
Paper Fleet and New York buddiesBloodweiser may be coming to a city near you. Specifically if you live in Chicago (with our friends in Hollows) , Oshkosh Wisconsin, Watertown Wisconsin, St Louis Missouri (with old pals The Ottomen -see flyer below), Charlottesville, or Richmond Virginia. heres the full schedule:
06/04/2009 Summer Tour w/Bloodweiser and Hollows @Ronny’s
2101 N. California Ave. @ Logan Square
Chicago, Illinois 60647
06/05/2009 07:00 PM – Summer Tour w/ Bloodweiserand Hunger Strike Riot @Earthdiver Book Collective
949 W. 7th Ave.
Oshkosh, Wisconsin 54902
06/06/2009 – Secret show!
Watertown, Wisconsin
06/07/2009 07:00 PM – Summer Tour w/ Bloodweiserand The Ottomen @ Lemp Neighborhood Arts Center
3301 Lemp Ave.
St. Louis, Missouri 63118
06/09/2009 Summer Tour w/Bloodweiser and and Corsair
Charlottesville, Virginia
06/10/2009 Summer Tour w/Bloodweiser ,Bike! (ex-Murphy’s Kids, ex-Vindication)and Field Day
Tinderbox Art Space
3 S. Stafford St., Richmond, Virginia
Posted in Paper Fleet, The Ottomen
Ottomen and Paperfleet at Lemp Art Center
See the Ottomen and Paperfleet together in St. Louis MO at the Lemp Art Center! with Bloodweiser!
June 7th 2009 at 8:00 pm! drinks, music and fun times in store!!
3301 Lemp Ave, St. Louis MO 63118 |
314.771.1096 |
contact@lemp-arts.org |
Posted in Paper Fleet, The Ottomen
old news
Colors Theory Rap Video!
You Might have heard rumors that The Ottomen are no longer, but YOU ARE WRONG! In Early March 08, The Ottomen STL got together in the studio and recorded 15 songs, Most new and a few Ancient Ones. The new ones being
Altered Beast
Above the Law
Times Beach
Hostile (Hostel)
Pole Position (R U ready 2 Qualify?)
The Pig and the Horse
Little Brown Jug
Smooth Wild Cat
White Jaguar
*In Jamaica (Bonus SOng)
and Old tracks newly recorded by the Ottomen STL
Song About a Fridge
Lonely Surfer Girl
The Album is being produced by Long Time Ottomen Musican Justin Sullivan Dicenzo
Justin Dicenzo is now mixing it down in LA so stay tuned for more info.
Also, Live Shows throughout the ST Louis area will commence in May!
Hip HIp Hooray and Viva Los Ottomen!
New Paper Fleet CD is available now!
Contains 14 all new recordings including Brighton Beach, Lunette, You Dont Have to Rush Off and more.
You can also download the album in mp3 form from Itunes!
More Comics and Music available at the Ottoshop!
New paper Fleet Album – Release Party
March 17th, Paper Fleet are having a release party at Cake-Shop
Misung (click here to visit his myspace page)has 4 new christmas songs!
Christmas Fabulous Time:
Paper Fleet and Misung cover Minneapolis by That Dog
Misung and Paper Fleet got together to record a special cover tune.
rumor has it
Rumor has it there may be an ottomen show in New York in mid- December 2007. Stay tuned.
The New Site Looks Good, Jim
This is Misung here, congratulating Jim on a splendid job of updating the Ottomen’s new non myspace webpage! I’ll update it as much as possible. Right now we are just practicing for the plethora of concerts coming up in the next few months. Justin might return to the STL to play in September or he might be going on a world tour with his band in LA. Only time will tell.
That’s it for now!
Ottomen Back to the past reviewed.
Click here to read the recent review from the Riverfront Times St. Louis
Posted in Paper Fleet, The Ottomen